Microsoft Windows Builds
Windows Builds are available in JSON format at this address: The source of this information is this site. The data is validated hourly.
"DataForNerds": {
"LastUpdatedUTC": "\/Date(1625758980460)\/",
"SourceList": [
"Data": [{
"Win10Version": "10.0.10240.16683",
"Version": "10240.16683",
"ReleaseDate": "2016-02-09",
"Article": "KB3135174",
"Comment": ""
}, {
"Win10Version": "10.0.19042.1055",
"Version": "19042.1055",
"ReleaseDate": "2021-06-11",
"Article": "KB5004476",
"Comment": "Out-of-band"
}, {
"Win10Version": "10.0.19043.1055",
"Version": "19043.1055",
"ReleaseDate": "2021-06-11",
"Article": "KB5004476",
"Comment": "Out-of-band"
}, {
"Win10Version": "10.0.17763.2028",
"Version": "17763.2028",
"ReleaseDate": "2021-06-15",
"Article": "KB5003703",
"Comment": "Preview"
}, {
"Win10Version": "10.0.10240.16769",
"Version": "10240.16769",
"ReleaseDate": "2016-04-12",
"Article": "KB3147461",
"Comment": ""
$d4n = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ""
$props = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
$osVer = ([string]$props.CurrentMajorVersionNumber + '.' + [string]$props.CurrentMinorVersionNumber + '.' + [string]$props.CurrentBuildNumber + '.' + [string]$props.UBR)
$myBuild = $ | Where-Object { $_.Win10Version -eq $osVer }
Write-Host "You are running $osVer with Update $($myBuild.Article)"
Write-Host "Your patch level was released by Microsoft on $($myBuild.ReleaseDate)"
$patchDiff = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date $myBuild.ReleaseDate) -End (Get-Date)
If($patchDiff.TotalDays -ge 30) {
Write-Host "It might be time to look for an updated patch!" -ForegroundColor Red
} else {
Write-Host "You're patch is recent enough." -ForegroundColor Green